explain breathing processfrom nose to till diaphram with diagram.
Parts and Functions of Respiratory System :
Nostrils :
- Air is taken into the body through nostrils.
- It is lined by fine hair and mucus which helps to filter the air entering through it.
Nasal Passage :
- Air entering the nostrils leads to nasal passage.
- It is mainly responsible for conditioning the air.
Pharynx :
- Nasal chamber opens into pharynx.
- It passes air to the larynx.
Larynx :
- It is located in the neck region and in front of trachea.
- It also produces sound.
Trachea (windpipe) :
- The air passes from pharynx and goes into trachea.
- Incomplete rings of cartilage keep trachea open allowing the passage of air to the lungs and also prevent it from the collapsing when there is no air in it.
Bronchi :
- Trachea divides it into two smaller tables called bronchi after entering the thoracic cavity, which further extends into each lungs.
Bronchioles :
- Bronchi are subdivided into smaller tubes called bronchioles.
- Each bronchiole finally terminates into many alveoli.
Alveoli :
- These are balloon like structures located inside the lungs.
- A large number of alveoli increases the surface area for the exchange of gases.
- Human alveolar surface when spread can cover area of 80 metre square.
Ribs :
- These are 12 pairs of bones that form a cage in thoracic region.
- Lungs and heart are safely placed in it.
- movement of intercostal muscles attached to ribs help in breathing.
Lungs :
- These are primary organs for respiration which are located on the two sides of heart.
- They transport oxygen from the atmosphere into blood and release carbon dioxide from blood to the atmosphere.
- They are enclosed by a protective membrane is called pleura.
Diaphragm :
- It is a muscular partition between thorax and abdomen and forms the base of chest cavity .
- During inhalation, it flattens and increases chest cavity so that air is sucked into lungs while it relaxes during exhalation.
respiratory system is made up of the organs involved in the interchanges of gases. It consists of the:
Throat (pharynx)
Voice box (larynx)
Windpipe (trachea)
Airways (bronchi)
The upper respiratory tract includes the following:
Nasal cavity
The lower respiratory tract includes the following:
Voice box (larynx)
Windpipe (trachea)
Airways (bronchi and bronchioles)
Air sacs (alveoli)
How do the lungs work?
The lungs take in oxygen. The body's cells need oxygen to live and carry out their normal functions. They also get rid of carbon dioxide, a waste product of the cells.
The lungs are a pair of cone-shaped organs made up of spongy, pinkish-gray tissue. They take up most of the space in the chest, or the thorax (the part of the body between the base of the neck and diaphragm). The lungs are covered in a membrane called the pleura. They are separated from each other by the mediastinum.
This area contains the following:
Heart and its large vessels
Windpipe (trachea)
Thymus gland
Lymph nodes
The right lung has 3 lobes. The left lung has 2 lobes. When you breathe, the air:
Enters the body through the nose or the mouth.
Travels down the throat through the larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe).
Goes into the lungs through tubes called main-stem bronchi:
One main-stem bronchus leads to the right lung and one to the left lung
In the lungs, the main-stem bronchi divide into smaller bronchi
Then the bronchi divide into even smaller tubes called bronchioles
Bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli
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