Chemistry, asked by AmiAbhi, 1 year ago

Explain briefly about Boyle point

karthikjr2016: did u mean boiling point
karthikjr2016: mark as brainliest


Answered by karthikjr2016
the minimum point on an isotherm of a real gas, represented in (p, pV) coordinates. (See Figure 1; ρ is the pressure of thegas and V is the volume occupied by the gas.) It is named for the English scientist R. Boyle.

In the vicinity of the Boyle point, small sections of the isotherm of a real gas can be considered approximately as segmentsof horizontal straight lines that according to the Clapeyron equation pV = mRT represent the isotherms of an ideal gas. (T isthe absolute temperature, R is the gas constant, and m is the mass of the gas.) In other words, the Boyle point determinesthe temperature at which, for a given real gas, the equation of an ideal gas is applicable. The section of the isotherm ab (tothe left of the Boyle point) corresponds to the conditions under which a real gas is more compressible than an ideal gas; thesection bc (to the right of the Boyle point) corresponds to the conditions of lower compressibility of a real gas in comparisonwith an ideal gas. The dominant influence of the forces of attraction between molecules, which facilitates the contraction ofa gas, becomes apparent to the left of the Boyle point; the influence of the volume of the molecules themselves, whichhinders contraction, appears to the right of the Boyle point. In the vicinity of the Boyle point, these factors—whichdistinguish a real gas from an ideal gas—compensate each other.

The line that connects the Boyle points of individual isotherms is called the Boyle curve. The point of this curve that lies onthe y-axis (p = 0) determines the so-called Boyle temperature (TB). For a gas that obeys the van der Waals equation, TB =3.375 Tc, where Tc is the critical temperature. For T < Tc the complete liquefaction of the gas under pressure is possible; forT < TB, partial liquefaction of gases is possible upon throttling.

karthikjr2016: what
devinaD: ur class ....... 9 is a vry dynamic class u know
karthikjr2016: yeah worries cause i got 94% mark in mid term
devinaD: hmmm .......... very well done intelligent
AmiAbhi: how u know this ans Karthik
AmiAbhi: ur in 9th isnt it
karthikjr2016: cousin helped
AmiAbhi: kk
AmiAbhi: But it is too long ya
AmiAbhi: l want a brief note
Answered by AbhiramiGNath

The temperature at which a real gas obeys ideal gas law over an appreciable range of pressure is called Boyle point.Boyle point of a gas depends upon its nature.

Above their Boyle point, real gases show positive deviations from ideality and Z values are greater than 1.

Below Boyle temperature real gases first show decrease in Z value with increasing pressure, which reaches a minimum value.


AbhiramiGNath: Thanks AmiAbhi
AmiAbhi: welcome dr
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