Physics, asked by kelly112, 17 days ago

Explain briefly Faraday's magnet coin experiment in point wise answers


Answered by XxLUCYxX

❑ A coil of wire is wound on a paper cylinder and connected to a sensitive galvanometer.

❑A bar magnet is moved back and forth inside the coil.

❑ When North pole of a magnet is pushed towards a coil,the galvanometer shows a deflection.

❑When the North pole of a magnet is pulled out,the deflection is in the opposite direction.

❑When the South pole of the bar magnet is pushed towards or pulled away from the coil the deflections in the galvanometer are opposite to that observed with the North pole for similar movement.

❑If the magnet is stopped/ held stationary,there is no deflection in the galvanometer.

❑The relative motion between the Coil and the magnet causes a change in the magnetic flux through the coil and an electric current flows in the coil.The magnitude of the current depends on the magnitude of their relative velocity and on the strength of the magnet.

Answered by amanpd47

Explanation : The experiment of Faraday's magnet coint is :

  • In this experiment faraday's connected a coin in the galvanometer and then the bar magnet is pushed towards the coil .
  • the bar magnet is pushed in such a manner that the north pole is pointing towards the coil .
  • As , when we move the bar magnet then the galvanometer shows deflection thus it is indicating the flow of current .
  • This shows that when we move far and towards the bar magnet only then the galvanometer shows deflection otherwise it remains in stationary position .
  • same case is with the south pole also but this time the deflection in the galvanometer is opposite to the flow of current .
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