Social Sciences, asked by sunilgautamvakeel, 5 months ago

explain briefly the different ways of power sharing​


Answered by sapnakumare27271


Answer:1)Power is shared among different organs of government such as Legislature, executive and judiciary . this is known as horizontal distribution.

2)Power can be shared among different level of government such as central and state level. ...

3)Power can also shared among different social groups.

Answered by avinashxkumarz123


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Describe the different forms of power-sharing in modern democracies.




asked Aug 24, 2018 in Class X Social Science by muskan15 (-3,440 points)

Describe the different forms of power-sharing in modern democracies. Give an example of each of these.

power sharing

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answered Aug 24, 2018 by aditya23 (-2,138 points)

In modern democracies, power-sharing arrangements can take many forms –

(i) Among different organs of government : Power is shared among the legislature,executive and judiciary. This is called horizontal distribution of power because it allows the three organs of government placed at the same level to exercise different powers. Each organ checks the others, no organ can exercise unlimited power.

(ii) Among governments at different levels : Here power is shared among governments at the provincial or regional level and a general government for the entire country, called Federal Government. In India, we call it Central or Union Government. In India, the government at the provincial level is called State government. The Constitution clearly lays down powers of different levels of government. The third level of government is called municipality and panchayat. This arrangement is called vertical division of power.

(iii) Among different social groups : Power may also be shared among different social groups, such as the religious and linguistic groups. For example, Community Government in Belgium. In India, weaker sections of society have ‘reserved constituencies’ in Assemblies and the Parliament. They also have ‘reserved seats’ in government jobs.

(iv) Among political parties, pressure groups and movements :

Power is shared among various political parties that represent different ideologies and social groups. Interest groups such as those of traders, businessmen, industrialists, farmers and individual workers also have share in governmental power, either through participation in governmental committees or bringing influence on the decision making process.

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