Music, asked by bhavanachakka90, 9 months ago

Explain briefly the performance practice of the medieval, Renaissance and baroque periods? What did you observe in the video in terms of setting? Composition? Role of composers or performers


Answered by upadhyayyashika29

Explanation:The tradition of sung prayers and psalms extends into the shadows of early civilization. Such sacred singing was often accompanied by instruments, and its rhythmic character was marked. In the synagogue, however, the sung prayers were often unaccompanied. Ritual dance was excluded from the synagogue as the rhythmic character of sacred music surrendered its more sensual aspects. Even in the prayers themselves, rhythmic verse gave way to prose. The exclusion of women, the elevation of unison singing, and the exclusion of instruments served to establish a clear differentiation between musical performance in the synagogue and that of the street.

Answered by arshaarunsl


Performing arts in the Middle Ages?

The Middle Ages' performance customs gave artists a great deal of latitude when it came to vocal tones, ornamentation, improvisation, instrumentation, speed, and even the choice of chromatic inflection.

Renaissance-era theatre techniques?

There are many different ways to perform music from this era; there is no set format. Instrumental and vocal styles are rarely distinguished from one another and are sometimes used interchangeably. requires in-depth understanding of style, authentic instruments, etc.

How was the Baroque era performed?

  • The Baroque era demanded that musicians embellish their performances with trills, mordents, turns, appoggiaturas, grace notes, passing tones, and other ornaments. Vibrato use was viewed as an ornament as well.
  • Performers were required to improvise in addition to adding ornaments, especially when playing cadences.

what traits do mediaeval, Renaissance, and Baroque music share?

Performers' or composers' roles

  • Renaissance music is distinguished by its imitation of polyphony. Grand and ornate embellishment of sculptures, theatres, works of art, and music define the Baroque Period.
  • The concerto, fugue, oratorio, and chorale were the musical genres that flourished throughout the Baroque Period.


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