Science, asked by mihika29, 1 year ago

explain chemical and physical properties of metals and non metals in detail in points ​


Answered by chanchalnimchaniya69

Physical properties of metal:

  1. they are malleable (can be converted into thin sheets on beating)
  2. they are ductile
  3. they are sonorous
  4. they are lustrous
  5. they are generally silver in colour
  6. they conduct heat and electricity.
  7. they are generally hard (except sodium and potassium.

Physical properties of non metals:

  1. they are brittle ( non malleable)
  2. they are non ductile
  3. they are non sonorous
  4. they are generally soft
  5. they don't conduct electricity and heat.
  6. they are dull in colour.

Chemical properties of metal:

  1. they react with oxygen
  2. they react with water
  3. they react with acid and base and produce hydrogen gas
  4. they can be rusted.

chemical properties of non metal are opposite to metals.

they are generally not reactive with oxygen, water, acid, base. they can't be ruste.

hope it will help you

keep smiling...

Answered by Alphaiclinker

There are about 16 physical and chemical differences between metals and non metals-


1.Metals are malleable.

2.Metals are ductile.

3.Metals are rigid in nature.

4.Metals are lusturous.

5.Metals combine by metallic bonds.

6.Generally metals have high melting point.

7.Generally metals have high boiling point.

8.Generally metals are silvery-grey in colour.

9.Metals are good conductor of heat.

10.Metals are good conductor of electricity.

11.Metals are electropositive.

12.Metals are Sonorous.

13.Metals are generally solid at room temperature.

14.Metals transfers vibration faster than non metals.

15.Its Valence electrons are always equal to its valency.

16.Generally has high density.


1.Non metals are non malleable.

2.Non metals are non ductile.

3.Non metals are brittle.

4.Non metals are non lusturous.

5.Non metals combine by covalent bonds.

6.Generally have low melting points.

7.Generally have low boiling points.

8.Found in varities of colours.

9.Non metals are bad conductor of heat

10.Non metals are bad conductor of electricity.

11.Non metals are electronegative.

12.Non metals are non sonorous.

13.Non metals are found in all states at room temperature.

14.Non metals do not transfer vibrations easily.

15.Valence electrons of non metals are not always equal.

16.Non metals have low density.

I think that these differences will be enough for you.

Please forgive me for my mistakes because mistakes are done by humans and I am also a human.

IF you have any queries , contact me please.

THANKS for giving me time


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