explain cleaning action of soap and why micells forms when we put soap into water
When soap is dissolved in water, its hydrophobic ends attach themselves to dirt and remove it from the cloth.
First, the molecules of soap arrange themselves in micelle formation and trap the dirt at the centre of the cluster.
These micelles remain suspended in water like particles in a colloidal solution.
The various micelles present in water do not come together to form a precipitate as each micelle repels the other because of the ion-ion repulsion.
Thus, the dust particles remain trapped in micelles (which remain suspended) and are easily rinsed away with water.
Hence, soap micelles remove dirt by dissolving it in water.
When soap is added to water, micelle formation takes place, this is because the hydrocarbon chains of soap molecules are hydrophobic while the ionic ends are hydrophilic and hence soluble in water.It will form in such type of solvent where soap is insoluble in that particular solvent.
when the soap is dissolved in the water it forms the spherical sturture around the dirt called miscelles in each miscells the soap molecules are arranged radially such that hydrocarbons last is towards the center and the ionic part is towards the outside The hydrocarbons part dissolves the dirt oil and Greece form an emulsion at the water region which can easily separated