Hindi, asked by Priyansh1233, 1 year ago

Explain condition of games in india


Answered by utvyo552
 CONDITIONS OF SPORTS IN INDIAThe conditions of sports has not underwent any major changes from the past .This is becausegovernments lack of commitment and effortsOf course, we have our heroes in Geet Sethi, Vishwanathan Anand, Vijay Amritraj, Leander Paes,Sania Mirza, Pankaj Advani and Sachin Tendulkar but they are few and far between. For acountry as huge as ours, it is imperative that there is talent lying hidden in some remote corner of the country.Why can’t we produce badminton players like the Indonesians and table tennis players like theChinese? Let us take an objective look into the reasons for such a dismal state of sports in our country.Lack of grassroots and junior level training programs:Did you know that in Russia, coaches scout for swimming talent among three years old? Or for that matter gymnasts who are barely able to speak well. Why do they do it?Monica Sales, the famous tennis player started playing the game at the age of three. Her coaches had recognised her talent early. These are like uncut diamond, waiting for proper guidance, grooming.Whether it is basketball in USA or football in the UK, there are good training programs at thegrassroots level. The competition even at the lowest level is very high and there are nationalselectors taking proper interest in identifying these traces of brilliance. And once selected, thegovernment takes care of the financial and educational needs. This way the player is able toconcentrate totally on his practice without having to worry about these trivial matters.Such things are unheard of in our country. If there is any good football player in a remote corner of our country, chances of him making a mark for himself are distant. No wonder Indian parentslay total stress on education and do not encourage their wards to take up any sports seriously.Poor facilities compared to world standards are another factor affecting our sports. We have allwatched the World Cup Football for the last one month supporting Brazil and Argentina. And Ihope that there will be many soccer lovers who would have marveled at the stadiums and theplaying field in those parts of the World. Take any sports for that matter. Even our revered sportcricket. We have hardly three or four stadiums in this cricket mad country which can be comparedwith stadiums of the genre of a Melbourne or Lords.Poor management of sporting bodies under the government is not hidden from anyone. It is veryoften said that if you are a Mumbaikar, then you have much better chance of getting into theIndian cricket team than if you are from Himachal Pradesh. When such an atmosphere prevails, itis very natural for players to get disheartened and leave the game. Take the case of our IndianHockey Federation. We have read enough about the selection procedures of this esteemed bodyas players were picked and dropped as if we are making a random choice. Ask Dhanraj Pillai howit is to be a hockey player at the international level. The officials at CAB are more interested intheir re-election than working for the betterment of the Bengal cricket.Take the case of Koneru Humphy. She is the world junior champion in chess and also makingwaves in the sporting circuit. However such is the condition of sports in our country, two monthsback she did not have sponsors to help her in going to England for a chess tournament. It reallyhurts to see that other sportsperson in our country do not get the same amount of recognition asour cricketers not only from the common man but also from the authorities.
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