English, asked by BullsEye4661, 11 months ago

Explain consolidation process through spring analogy


Answered by Anonymous

ıllıllı нєу ıllıllı

In the analogy we have a container carrying a spring and water . The spring stands for the soil skeleton and water is the pore water. It is tightly closed by a lid which has a small opening representing the low value of k of the soil. In  which corresponds to the initial state, keeping the lid opening closed we place a weight  W on the lid which corresponds to a load increment of Δp. We now remove the cover on the lid opening and water starts gushing out as shown in which represents an intermediate stage.  depicts the end of consolidation when drainage stop s and the load W is fully borne by the spring. At this stage which corresponds to the  end of consolidation, the excess hydrostatic pressure due to W  stands fully  dissipated thanks to drainage for which we have provided facility. This figure also shows the change in volume (height) as consolidation progresses and ends.

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