Explain coronavirus, how it spreads, and how to be safe from it in 10 sentences
- Answer:
- Corona virus is an infectious disease and it is also known as covid-19.
- People who are already suffering from medical problems such as cardiovascular diseases, diabeties, chronic respiratory diseases and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness from the virus.
- Some of the precautionary measures to be safe from the virus are :-
- We should stay home.
- We should keep social distancing.
- We should wash our hands several times.
- We should not touch our face.
4. On average, it takes 5-6 days from
when someone is infected with the
virus for symptoms show, however it
can take upto 14 days
5. People can catch corona virus from
others who have the virus. the disease
can spread from person to person
through small droplets forom the nose
or mouth which spread when a person
with covid-19 coughs or exhales. These
droplets lands on objects and surfaces
around the person.
6. Some of the symptoms of COVID-19
- fever
- dry cough
- headache
- difficulty in breathing
- aches
- diarrhoea
7. Till now, all over the world the number
of total patients of the virus is 9746492
from which492524 are dead and
5276271 are recovered.
8. The first transmission of the virus to
humans was in Wuhan, China. Some
people say that it is caused by bats.
9. The best ways to fight corona virus
- staying at home
- following guidelines issued by the
- following the lockdown.
10. We have to break the transmission of
this virus. We have to fight against it.
We have to save the world.