Biology, asked by Sanjanaseth3267, 1 year ago

Explain Cyton .

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Answered by parv1357


In the nervous system of animals, the neuron is a structural and functional unit and is made up of a cyton, dendrite and axon. The cyton is the main part of the neuron and consists of the nucleus and cytoplasm and hence called as cell body of neurons and carries impulse from dendrites to the axon. Similarly, the cyton of reflex in the central nervous system and the autonomous nervous system is the motor as a reflex action is an involuntary, automatic action in which there is no involvement of the brain.


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Answered by Anonymous



Cyton is the central or cell body of a neuron containing the nucleus and excluding its processes. Its cytoplasm shows characteristic Nissl's granules. Cyton receives electrical impulses from other neurons through dendrites. Axon is the long, cylindrical process arising from the cyton

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