explain deeply -
a. double fertilization
b. pneumatohores
c. parenchyma
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Double fertilisation is an event unique to angiosperm plants. As the two male gametes are released from pollen tube, one of them fuses with the egg cell completing the process of syngamy and another fuses with the polar nuclei forming endosperm that is triploid in ploidy level hence the double fertilisation is complete in the flowering plants.
Pneumatophores are the breathing roots found in the plants found in saline area like rhizophora and avecinia they show vivipary too. They undergo respiration through pneumatothodes found on pneumatophores. Those roots are positively phototrophic and negatively geotrophic.
Parenchyma is the compound tissue found in the plants that are living and thin walled with cytoplasm present. They normally undergo photosynthesis(chlorenchyma), provide buoyancy(aerenchyma), or store food.