Biology, asked by Sweety9576, 9 months ago

Explain different types of interdependence between organism (symbiosis , Parasitism, Predation​


Answered by deepadevika


The interaction among organisms within or between overlapping niches can be characterized into five types of relationships: competition, predation, commensalism, mutualism and parasitism.Predation includes any interaction between two species in which one species benefits by obtaining resources from and to the detriment of the other. Competition exists when multiple organisms vie for the same, limiting resource. Because the use of a limited resource by one species decreases availability to the other, competition lowers the fitness of both. Mutualism describes an interaction that benefits both species. A well-known example exists in the mutualistic relationship between alga and fungus that form lichens. The photsynthesizing alga supplies the fungus with nutrients, and gains protection in return. An interaction where one species benefits and the other remains unaffected is known as commensalism. As an example, cattle egrets and brown-headed cowbirds forage in close association with cattle and horses, feeding on insects flushed by the movement of the livestock. The birds benefit from this relationship, but the livestock generally do not. Often it's difficult to tease apart commensalism and mutualism. Amensalism describes an interaction in which the presence of one species has a negative effect on another, but the first species is unaffected. For example, a herd of elephants walking across a landscape may crush fragile plants.

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