explain diffusion phenomenona based on the states of matter?
The phenomenon of mixing of particles of different substances together is known as diffusion. Diffusion takes place because of the movement of particles of matters. Diffusion is a natural process. The mixing of different gases in air is a natural process that takes place continuously.
Diffusion takes place from higher concentration to lower concentration.
Diffusion in gas: Diffusion takes place most rapidly in gasses. The particles of gas have more kinetic energy due to that they move with high speed. Because of the movement of particles with high speed gas diffuses most rapidly.
Example: Mixing of gases in air.
(2) Smoke coming out of factories is seen only near the mouth of chimneys. After rising high it mixes up with air and vanishes out. This happens because of diffusion of gases.
Diffusion in liquid:
Diffusion takes place in liquids. The rate of diffusion is less in liquid than that of gases.The particles of liquid have enough movement because of kinetic energy for diffusion. When two liquids are kept together they are mixed because of the diffusion.
For example: When salt solution is kept in water this makes whole the solution salty after some time. This happens because of diffusion in liquids.
Diffusion in solid:Diffusion takes place with slowest rate in the case of solids. The rate of diffusion is almost negligible in solids.
Since the particles of solid have lowest kinetic energy so they do not move. Hence, diffusion takes a long time in the case of solid.
Example – Some time we observe that the marks of chalk on the black board could not be wiped out easily after a long time. This happens because of the diffusion of particles of chalks with the particles of blackboard and marks of chalk could not be wiped out.
Alloys are the mixture of two or more than two metals. Alloys are possible to get prepared because of the diffusion of solid into solid. Bronze, steel, brass are the examples of alloy.
Diffusion in everyday life:
√ We get the smell of our favourite food sitting in the drawing room even when the food is being cooked in kitchen. The vapor coming out from the food reaches to us because of diffusion in air and we get the smell of food.
√ We get the smell of burning incense stick sitting far from it. When an incense stick is burnt, the incense present in it vaporizes because of heat. The vapor coming out from the incense stick mixes with air and reaches to us.
√ In similar way we sense the good or bad smell from a distance.
√ When sugar is added in water, it is mixed because of the diffusion. The particles of sugar collide with the particles of water because of their continuous movement. And finally they are mixed together because of diffusion.
√ Carbonated drinks are prepared by the diffusion of gas in water. We notice a hiss sound when the cap of bottle of a carbonated drink is open, the hiss sound comes because of the diffused gas coming out of water. Soda, Soft drinks (coca-cola) etc. are the carbonated drinks and prepared mainly because of the diffusion of carbon dioxide in water.
√ Aquatic animals take dissolved oxygen in water while breathing. Aquatic plants synthesize their food under water because of the dissolved carbon dioxide in water. These gases dissolved in water because of the diffusion.
Diffusion of a gas or liquid is the process of spreading through or into a surrounding substance by mixing with it. It takes place from the region of high concentration to the region of low concentration till the uniform distribution is attained. It can occur in solid, liquid and gaseous states. The phenomena of diffusion in three different states are as explained below:
• Diffusion in gaseous state: Rate of diffusion is higher in gases due to more inter molecular space, and they move with higher Kinetic energy. Lighter gases diffuse faster than heavier gases.
Example: Mixing of two gases.
• Diffusion in a liquid state: Rate of diffusion in liquids is greater than solids.
Example: Mixing of the KMnO4 solution in water.
• Diffusion in the solid state: Rate of diffusion in solids is very rarely observed.