explain digestive amoeba in steps.....
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Digestion in amoeba is intracellular taking place within the cell. The food taken in remains in a food vacuole or gastric vacuole formed by the cell membrane and small part of the cytoplasm. The vacuoles are transported deeper into the cells by cytoplasmic movements. Here they fuse with lysosomes that contain enzymes.
I guess this will help you
amoeba digests its food through the process of endocytosis:
1.Ingestion- The pseudopodia surround the food particle which is then taken inside the cytoplasm.
2. Digestion- The food vacuole is combined with lysosomes that contain enzymes performing the breakdown of food particles.
3. Absorption- The digested food is then absorbed directly into the cytoplasm.
4. Assimilation- The absorbed food is used for the generation of energy. The excess amount is stored in the form of glycogen and lipids in the cytoplasm.
5. Excretion- The undigested food in the food vacuole is excreted out of the cell through contractile vacoule.