Physics, asked by himanshu6593, 11 months ago

explain E=mc square
in brief way.


Answered by mgiribabu1

Mass can be converted into energy.

If m is mass that you want to convert it into energy .

The equation, Energy = mass x Light speed² or E=mc²

C= 3 x 10⁸ m/s, square of this is very great number

mass is in Kg.

For 1Kg mass, the energy output is 9 X 10¹⁶J (very big value)

Example from ICSE calorimeter section: Heat energy required to raise the temp of 2 Kg water from 20°C to 50°C is 3.36 x 10⁵ . You can imagine the energy released. That's why no body wants another atomic bomb attack it will be devastating. For peaceful purpose like atomic power generation (controlled conversion) it is OK.

Answered by fanbruhh



E = mc² This famous equation was given by a great scientist Albert Einstien .

Einstien showed the relation between the energy and the mass with the help of this equation .

Here , E - energy

M - mass

C - speed of light

According to Einstien's theory of relativity nothing can travel faster than the speed of light that means our universe is limited at a speed which is 299,792,458 m/sec .

Hence , speed of light is used in this equation .

You can see the proof in attachment

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