Physics, asked by VenkatJagannath, 1 year ago

Explain Einstein's theory of relativity.


Answered by priyanka9432

hey mate here is ur answer

Albert Einstein, in his theory of special relativity, determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and he showed that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels. As a result, he found that space and time were interwoven into a single continuum known as space-time. Events that occur at the same time for one observer could occur at different times for another.

As he worked out the equations for his general theory of relativity, Einstein realized that massive objects caused a distortion in space-time. Imagine setting a large body in the center of a trampoline. The body would press down into the fabric, causing it to dimple. A marble rolled around the edge would spiral inward toward the body, pulled in much the same way that the gravity of a planet pulls at rocks in space.

mark it as the brainliest answer


VenkatJagannath: How should I mark it as the brainliest answer... I'm a beginner... Explain me
priyanka9432: when a second answer of ur question is given by others u can select the option of brainliest answer
priyanka9432: thank u
VenkatJagannath: I think I have done it
priyanka9432: hope i can help you more
priyanka9432: in future
VenkatJagannath: My pleasure indeed
priyanka9432: ok bye have a great day
VenkatJagannath: Wish u too
priyanka9432: thanks again
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