Explain Ezhava Memorial?
Ezhava Memorial is a memorandum submitted to the Maharaja of Travancore on. 3rd Sept 1896.The Travancore Ezhava Sabha took the initiative in preparing and presenting. the memorial.It was signed by 13176 members of the Ezhava community.It pleaded for.
Ezhava Memorial is a memorandum submitted to the Maharaja of Travancore on
3rd Sept 1896.The Travancore Ezhava Sabha took the initiative in preparing and presenting
the memorial.It was signed by 13176 members of the Ezhava community.It pleaded for
among other things, the extension of civil rights and government jobs to members of the
lower castes and the Ezhavas in particular. It also pleaded for the opening of public
schools to the Ezhavas.It demanded that the Ezhavas be made beneficiaries of these rights
and privileges enjoyed by the converts to Christianity.The response of the government was
disappointing. Hence a second memorial was presented to the viceroy Curzon in 1900.It
enumerated the grievances of the Ezhavas and requested the viceroy’s initiative in getting
them redressed.The viceroy refused to intervene.Hence both the memorials failed to
achieve their immediate objectives.