Explain feburary revolution and its effect
On 22 Feb 1917 a lockout took place at a factory and women lead the procession.On 25 Feb govt. Suspended Duma. On 26 and 27 Feb a general strike was joined by soldiers. 2 March Soviet leaders and dumas leaders formed a provisional government. .....Effects the fall of autocratic Tsar...restrictions on public meetings and associations we're removed...It's leader was Alexander Kerenskii
In February month there was a scarcity of bread on large scale . hence the workers crossed the Neva River and assembled near winter palace on 22 February women workers lock out the factory and opened a strike against scarcity of bread . so on 22 February is celebrated as a international women's Day. After that on 24 and 25 many factory workers supported this movement
effects of feburary Revolution are
1. the provisional govt power had reduced and the Bolsheviks influence increased .
2.the unity of other soilder in form.
3. a provisional government under the prime minister krenskii was formed.