explain five points with example why muhammad tughluq's regime was a failure.
Muhammad Bin Tughluq was a Muslim ruler who ruled over the Delhi Sultanate in medieval India and the Delhi Sultanate temporarily expanded to the most of the Indian subcontinent, its peak in terms of geographical reach. However, he made a few mistakes that led to his fall.
1. He levied heavy taxes on the non-muslims especially on the farmers living in the fertile lands in between the Ganga and Yamuna rivers. This pressure of heavy taxes forced the people to flee to the forests without paying any taxes.
2. Robbery increased due to loss of farmers and agricultural loss and they was a famine.
3. Another bold decision of Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the introduction of token currency. He issued a bronze coin with the same value as the silver tanka, the regular currency. The idea of token currency was new in India. So, it created confusion among traders and common people.
4. He transferred the capital from Delhi to Devgiri in the Deccan with the purpose to control his southern Indian territories better. Daulatabad was more than 1500 km away. Many people died on the way since the journey took place in the summer. Finally, Muhammad bin Tughlaq decided to abandon Daulatabad and return to Delhi within two years.
Muhammad-bin Tughluq was a very powerful ruler. Ibn Batuta tells us that the sultan had great ideas and plans but they failed because the common people could not understand them. Some of his policies which failed are:
Taxation in the doab
He increased the land tax in the doab region in order to increase the revenue. But at that time there was a severe famine in the area. This was a great mistake. Many peasants abandoned their land and some of them revolted. So the sultan had to withdraw his orders.
Shift of capital
The sultan shifted his capital from Delhi to Devagiri which he named Daulatabad. He did this to administer the kingdom from a more centrally located capital and to avoid the Mongol attacks. But he realized that it was not possible to keep a watch on the northern frontiers from there. So he ordered the people to move back to Delhi.
Introduction of a token currency
There was a shortage of silver during his time so he decided to mint coins of brass and copper for daily use. These coins could be exchanged for silver coins from the royal treasury. He did not check the illegal minting of coins. Soon the kingdom was flooded with forged coins. Money lost its value and trade suffered. The sultan had to give silver coins in exchange for forged coins. So the treasury became empty.
Qarachil expedition
He sent an army to the Kangra region to secure the northern frontiers of the Sultanate. After annexing the region, the army proceeded towards Tibet. It suffered heavy casualties.
Khurasan expedition
He decided to conquer Khurasan in Central Asia in order to expand his empire. He raised a large army and spent a lot of money on weapons and other war supplies. The soldiers were given one year's salary in advance. But the expedition was withdrawn and the army was disbanded.