Physics, asked by chandganjoo, 1 year ago

explain following system of units.......1) fps system. 2) cgs system. 3) mks system​


Answered by ToxicEgo


CGS=cm, gram, seconds

mks=meter, kilometer, seconds

Answered by varadad25


MKS, CGS and FPS are the systems of units.


1. FPS System:

  • FPS stands for Foot, Pound and Seconds.
  • This system was invented in Britain.
  • English scientists formed this system for the convenience of measurements.
  • In day - to - day life, this system is seen to be used. For e.g. His height is 5 feet.
  • FPS system is no longer used on international level or international system of units.

2. CGS System:

  • CGS stands for Centimetere, Gram and Seconds.
  • This system was invented for measuring less or smaller scales.
  • This system was introduced in France.
  • CGS system plays an important role in measuring small scales as well as used for small units.
  • It is not used as international system of units.

3. MKS System:

  • MKS stands for Metre, Kilogram and Seconds.
  • It is also called as SI Unit System ( International System of Units ).
  • It was also introduced in France.
  • MKS system is generally used to measure large scales and units.
  • It has standard on international level.

Additional Information:

1. Units and measurements are related to physics.

2. There are various quantities and units are required for their measurements.

3. There are mainly two types of quantities:

A) Fundamental Quantities

B) Derived Quantities

4. Also there are two types of units:

A) Fundamental Units

B) Derived Units

5. The systems of units are formed by considering main three physical, fundamental quantities. Those are :- length, mass and time.

6. In each of the systems described, these quantities are mentioned.

7. In FPS system, length is measured by 'Foot / Feet', mass is measured by 'Pound' and time is measured by 'Seconds'.

8. In CGS system, length is measured by 'Centimetere', mass is measured by 'Gram' and time is measured by 'Seconds'.

9. In MKS or SI system, length is measured by 'Metre', mass is measured by 'Kilogram' and time is measured by 'Seconds'.


1. The physical quantity speed:

The SI unit of speed is 'm / s'.

Similarly, MKS unit of speed is 'm / s'.

The CGS unit of speed is 'cm / s'.

The FPS unit of speed is 'ft / s'.

2. The physical quantity acceleration:

The SI unit of acceleration is 'm / s²'.

Similarly, MKS unit of acceleration is 'm / s²'.

The CGS unit of acceleration is 'cm / s²:

The FPS unit of acceleration is 'ft / s²'.

Common Fact:

★ In all the systems of units, time is measured by 'seconds'.

★ In all the systems of units, only three physical quantities are used to derive units.

★ In case of any other quantity having more than these three physical quantities, these all systems get failed.

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