Biology, asked by ayush705050847pel0bp, 1 year ago

Explain following terms:-
1. Antibodies
2. Vaccines
3. Vaccination
4. Antibiotic
5. Immunity​


Answered by Anonymous


a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease

a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight diseaseरक्त में उत्‍पन्‍न होने वाला रोगनिरोधी पदार्थ; प्रतिरक्षी, प्रतिपिंड !!


A vaccine is a type of medicine that trains the body's immune system so that it can fight a disease it has not come into contact with before. Vaccines are designed to prevent disease, rather than treat a disease once you have caught it.


Vaccination is the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a disease. Vaccines contain a microorganism or virus in a weakened or killed state, or proteins or toxins from the organism.


medicine which is used for destroying bacteria and curing infections.


the ability to avoid or not be affected by disease, criticism, punishment by law, etc.

Khushi here✔️✌

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