Explain Gradient fill in PowerPoint.
You have lots of options for adding gradients, from simple built-in gradients to ones you create yourself. You can add gradients to basic shapes and text boxes, as well as shapes that are part of charts, SmartArt, and WordArt. You can quickly apply preset gradients, or you can create your own gradient fill with custom colors and specified brightness, transparency, gradient directions, and positioning.
The simplest way is to click the shape to select it, and then click the Format tab that appears:
For shapes, text boxes, and WordArt, the Format tab appears under Drawing Tools.
Format tab under Drawing Tools
For chart shapes, the Format tab appears under Chart Tools.
Format tab under Chart Tools
For SmartArt shapes, the Format tab appears under SmartArt Tools.
Format tab under SmartArt Tools
On the Format tab, click Shape Fill, click Gradient, and select the one you want.
Gradient gallery opened from Shape Fill Drawing Tools Format
answer is:
gradient fill in powerpoint is same as gradient fill in any other doc.. it means that you can fill the selected part using a gradient of colours.