Explain Hedonism and its types.
By product, tons of examples like sporttourism, adventure tourism, culturaltourism, and many more, . By market, it can be divided into 3 major categories: Domestic Tourism.
A idea which argues regarding pursuit of pleasure and intrinsic goods which are most significant goals of mankind is called hedonism.
Hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure.
Ethical hedonism is an idea every people have right to do everything in their power to get greatest amount of pleasure possible to them.
Its the idea that every person's pleasure should surpass their total pain.
He held an idea that pleasure is highest good.
There are two major types of Hedonism are :
i) Hedonistic Egoism and
ii) Hedonistic Utilitarianism.
Two are commonly use happiness as sole criteria for confirming moral rightness/wrongness of an action.