Explain henery law idk ggkzg
bakawas question hai ye
Henry's law states: "At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas that dissolves in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid." An equivalent way of stating the law is that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid
The solubility of a gas in a liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of a gas above the surface of that liquid. For example, the coke in a closed can does not lose gas because the pressure in the gas phase is saturated. But if the can is open, it loses gas.
The solubility of a gas will depend on the Henry constant, kH:
p = kH·c
Henry's constant will vary with solute, solvent, and temperature. From this expression it is possible to know the pressure in the gas phase of a gas (p) from the concentration of the gas in solution or vice versa. These constants are measured using high pressure flow calorimetry.