Biology, asked by sonianivatkar5831, 1 year ago

Explain heterotrophic nutrition in animal and amobia .Com


Answered by krushivaghani33


The absorbed food nutrients is stored and utilised later for synthesis of energy. Amoeba is a unicellular protozoan and the mode of nutrition is holozoic. It is omnivorous in nature i.e, it can take both plants and animals as food source. Amoeba feeds on unicellular plants or animals such as paramoecium

Answered by sunanda4081

Animals depends on plants or other animal for food . Different types of animals have different food habits and ways of eating food .


Amoeba is a single-celled organism . it is an aquatic animal that feeds on microscopic organisms found in water. when amoeba senses food in its surroundings, it starts moving in that direction with the help of finger-like projections of the body called pseudopodia . the word pseudo means false and the word podia means feet . the false feet surround the food particles and engulfs it with a drop of water . the food with the drop of water forms the food vacuole . the vacuole stores the food taken in . some digestive juices are secreted into the food vacuole where the food is digested . the digested food is absorbed from the vacuole in the body and bursts open to throw out the waste . this process of removing waste from the body is called egestion .

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