Explain “how a single photography can make big impact or make change in society ?” with relevant
Photography changed our vision of the world by providing more access to more images drawn from more places and times in the world than ever before. Photography enabled images to be copied and mass-distributed. The media-sphere was burgeoning.
Photography changed our vision of the world by providing more access to more images drawn from more places and times in the world than ever before. Photography enabled images to be copied and mass-distributed. The media-sphere was burgeoning.
Photography changed the dominant way images are made — and we could all be a part of it. This was, perhaps, the most important development of all. Photography democratized making images. Making and distributing images became easier, faster, and less expensive.
Photography changed history. It changed events and how people reacted to them. It changed how history itself was made, recorded, stored, and retrieved. Its history is comingled with our history.