Biology, asked by raphaelkenyi1, 9 months ago

Explain how aruminant digest it's feed and support the above with the help of diagram


Answered by Anonymous

Ruminants :

Ruminants are herbivores, thus they have a long digestive tract.

Digestive tract of Ruminants includes :

  • Mouth with bunodont dentition
  • Oesophagus
  • Stomach - Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum & Abomasum
  • Intestine

The process of digestion in ruminants is unique as they exhibit regurgitation.

  • Initially, partially digested food is swallowed and transported to rumen and reticulum wherein the cellulose is digested by cellulase.
  • At the level of Omasum, partially digested food is transported back to mouth by reverse peristalsis.
  • Further, food is taken back to Omasum and Abomasum for further digestion and absorption.

Answered by Anonymous

{ \huge \underline{ \blue{ Answer:-}}}

Ruminant :-

  • What is ruminant ?


The word ruminant is derived from the latin word ruminare, to chew again. Ruminants are animal with four - part stomachs, which allows them to chew food more than once.

Digestive tract of Ruminants include : -

  • Mouth with bundout dentition

  • Oesophagus

  • Stomach :- Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum and Abomausam

The process of digestion in ruminant is they exhibit regurgitation.

When a ruminant is feeding, it does so in a series of quick bites, giving of the food no more than a cursory chew between its molar teeth, mixing it with large quantities of saliva ( several hundred litres per day in domestic cattle) and then swallowing it into the first of the chambers ,the rumen . here powerful muscle churn it with the microbes that start the fermentation process. The food ferments, generating methane and carbon dioxide which are eructed the microbes start to break down the cellulose of the cell wall into sugars. there by releasing other nutrients from inside the cells. The microbes somes of the nutrients for thier own metabolism and in doing so generate fatty acids, which the ruminant can absorb into its blood through the wall of the rumen and can use it's own metabolism.

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