Explain how does a camellive and survive in desert
Camels are highly adaptive to desert conditions and survive. Their thick coat of hair protects them from the sun. They have wide, soft feet, so they can walk in the hot sand.
Their large feet spreads their weight on the sand when they are walking. So their feet don't sink in the sand.
A camel can eat and drink large amounts and store it as fat in the hump. When there is no food or water, the camel uses the fat in the hump for energy. A camel’s waste contains very little water.
It has a long slender neck in order to reach high tree leaves such as palm trees.
A camel a naturally adapt temperature - it can change its body temperature.
Camels rarely sweat, so when they do take in fluids they can conserve them for long periods of time. Even desert plants may hold enough moisture to allow a camel to live without water for several weeks.