Explain how electron flow causes electric current with Lorentz - Drude theory of electrons.
According to Drude and Lorentz conductors like metals contain a large number of free electrons while the positive ions are fixed in their position. In an open circuit in a conductor electrons move randomly so net charge is zero. But in closed circuit the electrons have an ordered motion, so there is a net charge crossing through any cross section of the conductor thus causes an electric current to flow.
Thank you
1) Drude and Lorentz, scientists of the 19th century, proposed that conductors like metals contain a large number of free electrons while the positive ions are fixed in their locations. The arrangement of the positive ions is called lattice.
2) When the conductor is in an open circuit, the electrons move randomly in lattice space as shown in the figure.
3) If we imagine any cross section as shown above, the number of electrons, crossing the cross section from left to right in one second is equal to that of electrons passing the cross section from right to left in one second.
Hence the net charge moving along a conductor through any cross section is zero.
4) When the ends of the conductor are connected to the battery through a bulb, the bulb glows because energy flow takes place from battery to the bulb.
5) This happens only due to the orderly motion of electrons.
6) When the electrons are in ordered motion, there will be a net charge crossing through any cross section of the conductor as shown in the figure.
7) This ordered motion of electrons is called electric current.