Biology, asked by rakhelvigu0pta, 1 year ago

Explain how equal genetic contribution of Male and female parents is ensure progeny


Answered by Admink
Both male and female have 22 pairs of equal chromosomes (XX) but 23rd pair of chromosome is different in both. Female are homogametic in nature hence produce 44+XX chromosomes while male are heterogametic in nature hence produce 44+XY chromosomes. In meeting of both male and female the progeny will get the copy of gern cell of both parent where he/she get equal chance if getting XX or XY by parents

(44+XX) + (44+XY) = 44+XX/44+XY
(female) (male) (progeny)

it does not depend upon female that progeny will male or female it depend upon which male chromosomes meet with female chromosomes.
Answered by rahuldey2c2

Hapioid:they have single set of chromosomes, where each chromosomes is represented singly. As the chromosomes are the bearer of genes so halpoids have singlest of genes determines the expression of character.....

Diploid:they have two sets of homologous chromosomes, where the chromosomes occur in pair, one material contributed by the mother through his sperm.

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