explain how industries are classied on the basis of raw materials
Industries can be classified on the basis of raw materials, size and ownership. ... Marine based industries use products from the sea and oceans as raw materials. Industries processing sea food or manufacturing fish oil are some examples. Forest based industries utilise forest produce as raw materials.
industries are classified on the basis of size ownership1
on the basis of ownership-
Industries can be classified into private
sector, state owned or public sector, joint sector and
cooperative sector. Private sector industries are owned
and operated by individuals or a group of individuals.
The public sector industries are owned and operated by
the government, such as Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
on the basis of size -
It refers to the amount of capital invested,
number of people employed and the volume of production.
Based on size, industries can be classified into small
scale and large scale industries. Cottage or
household industries are a type of small scale
industry where the products are manufactured
by hand, by the artisans. Basket weaving,
pottery and other handicrafts are examples
of cottage industry. Small scale industries
use lesser amount of capital and technology
as compared to large scale industries that
produce large volumes of products. Investment
of capital is higher and the technology used
is superior in large scale industries. Silk
weaving and food processing industries are
small scale industries. Production of
automobiles and heavy machinery are large
scale industries.