History, asked by djmaloney8551, 3 months ago

explain how nationalism played a role in making each happen. In what ways did nationalism unite people and in what ways did it divide them?


Answered by dakshveer123456789


Nationalism became the most significant force for self-determination and unification in Europe of the 1800's. ... Nationalist began to form secret societies throughout Italy. Unification was the goal of groups such as the Young Italy Movement led by Giuseppe Mazzini who called for the establishment of a republic.

Answered by Niranjanmanoj198



Throughout history and into the present day, we have encountered countless examples of both the pros and cons of nationalism.

Nationalism is positive because it serves as a uniting force. The recent World Cup united each country, where people came together as hopefuls for their team and, ultimately, their country. These fans were united in cheering for their players and equally united in recovering from defeat. This illustrates the resilience of national identity. By having a strong sense of who we are, shame and fright become foreign concepts. We become bold and confident, sometimes overly so.

Throughout world history, nationalism has always served as the catalyst toward independence. The American colonists came together, setting aside their differences, to form a group united against the common enemy — the British. Clearly the American Revolution was successful and illustrates when American nationalism first developed. Our nationalistic pride ever since has continued to grow exponentially.

One of the underlying causes of World War I happened to be this same strong unifying force. However, in the extreme form, it unified to cause destruction. European nations sought to show the power they held and, unfortunately, were not anticipating what would happen next. Nationalism contributed to the breaking of peace during this time, as opposed to the good it usually brings, and millions of people died during World War I.

This same concept not only applies to wars, but carries over into other conflicts as well. We as humans are naturally biased. Our general inclination is to favor the one view that we support. Without being open to viewing the whole picture, we create a parochial outlook that doesn't see the other half of the picture. This leads to misunderstanding and fighting.

This illustrates the pitfall of nationalism. We become so immersed in our views that we drown in circumstances of opposition. We cross the boundaries to defame others in the name of unity.

Unfortunately, that is where unity is no longer present, and the individual is singled out. Abusing a national identity as superior is not appropriate. Although we are citizens of whatever country, everybody is a citizen of this one planet called Earth.

It all boils down to the fact the world was created without any political boundaries. The only borders present are the ones that man has made. The world we live in requires cooperation between different people and different cultures.

There is a major difference between taking pride in one's national identity and degrading others based on this same prideful identity. There is nothing wrong with nationalism, as long it is not used in the wrong way.

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