explain how pesant movment promoted nationalist idea during struggle of India
independence (1000 words)
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They revolted against British rule (I must add, not all the villages did) they revolted based on information given to them by nationalists which wasn’t always entirely accurate.
These rural workers had some valid grievances against the British, the fact that because of Britain’s method of running a country, the manufacturing face of India was changing, this had positives for some indians and negatives for others. (Exactly what has happened, in every country, in every part of the world, even in Britain, there are winners and losers with any socioeconomic change). An example of this can be seen with when the lines closed in Britain, thousands of miners had their lives destroyed because of the decision to close minds as the country had moved to oil.
This is the true hypocrisy of Indian nationalists who condemn British rule, they do so as to absolve themselves of all blame. What happened to these rural communities since independence? What happened to their craft? Their skills? Their wealth? Has it been restored? No, have their trades become more prominent? No, have they found themselves outcast and in mass poverty which has only got worse? Yes.
You see, this is the truth of the Indian nationalists (or nationalists everywhere in truth) they blame everyone else for their shortcomings, and yet when they have achieved their nationalist goals, what do they do? They do nothing, but profit themselves, effectively becoming the very thing they claimed to be overthrowing.
All of what was happening in India during colonial times, was happening in Britain, but on a much smaller scale, this wasn’t a racial issue (I note that many Indian nationalists on Quora always try to make it a race issue) this is a man elitist issue.
Instead, what should be discussed is context, what was the world like during those times, in Britain and India specifically, how were the lower classes treated in Britain, how were they treated in India? It is the elites in both countries whom caused the problems, and it should be the elites who are to blame. Ironically, the majority of Hindu nationalists belonged to the Elite classes, and even more ironically, they received the best education, in British institutions, which contradicts the main point of nationalists.
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Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
, former Chief Manager at Central Bank of India (1987-2017)
Answered 10 months ago · Upvoted by
Shahreyar Yawar
, Been living in India since 2000 · Author has 13.8K answers and 215.5M answer views
These rural workers had some valid grievances against the British, the fact that because of Britain’s method of running a country, the manufacturing face of India was changing, this had positives for some indians and negatives for others. (Exactly what has happened, in every country, in every part of the world, even in Britain, there are winners and losers with any socioeconomic change). An example of this can be seen with when the lines closed in Britain, thousands of miners had their lives destroyed because of the decision to close minds as the country had moved to oil.
This is the true hypocrisy of Indian nationalists who condemn British rule, they do so as to absolve themselves of all blame. What happened to these rural communities since independence? What happened to their craft? Their skills? Their wealth? Has it been restored? No, have their trades become more prominent? No, have they found themselves outcast and in mass poverty which has only got worse? Yes.
You see, this is the truth of the Indian nationalists (or nationalists everywhere in truth) they blame everyone else for their shortcomings, and yet when they have achieved their nationalist goals, what do they do? They do nothing, but profit themselves, effectively becoming the very thing they claimed to be overthrowing.
All of what was happening in India during colonial times, was happening in Britain, but on a much smaller scale, this wasn’t a racial issue (I note that many Indian nationalists on Quora always try to make it a race issue) this is a man elitist issue.
Instead, what should be discussed is context, what was the world like during those times, in Britain and India specifically, how were the lower classes treated in Britain, how were they treated in India? It is the elites in both countries whom caused the problems, and it should be the elites who are to blame. Ironically, the majority of Hindu nationalists belonged to the Elite classes, and even more ironically, they received the best education, in British institutions, which contradicts the main point of nationalists.
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Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
, former Chief Manager at Central Bank of India (1987-2017)
Answered 10 months ago · Upvoted by
Shahreyar Yawar
, Been living in India since 2000 · Author has 13.8K answers and 215.5M answer views
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