English, asked by victorial, 4 months ago

Explain how planning involves making decisions today that will have an impact later.


Answered by Amelia8


Planning can result in more productive use of the organization's resources and make control easier. It also enables the identification of...


later?If I am planning a dinner for the next 10 weeks I need to think through the menu and get an idea of how long it will take to prepare the food. Also, need to make a grocery list and check the pantry and the freezer to make sure I have all the ingredients for the meal. Do I want to prepare afancy meal that will take lots of prep work for something simple? Do I want to spend a lot of money on fancy ingredients that I am not too comfortable using? Remember to that plan need to come with built-in variables. Things could change from the time the plans were made until the time of execution. Also, always have a backup plan.

Hope it helps please mark me brainilest

Answered by op6382194

Explanatio.n: Th.e syste.m canno.t functio.n wel.l if decision.s ar.e mad.e inst.antaneousl.y. ... Effec.t of pla.nnin.g and decisio.n makin.g are two crucia.l and interrelate.d aspec.t of administratio.n that mus.t b.e understoo.d and appropriatel.y carrie.d out in orde.r to successfull.y achiev.e organizatio.n goal.s.

hope it help uh freind Mark me brainliest

all the best for your asssingnmen.t wor.k

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