Social Sciences, asked by sharon1759, 10 months ago

explain how reducing the cover of natural vegetation is leading to a rise in global temperatures ​


Answered by SelieVisa


Trees and Global Warming

Out failure to take care of our forests is threatening the very existence of man and wildlife. Commercial logging for the timber industry had taken a heavy toll on our environment. It is reducing the forest cover of the globe rapidly. Population explosion too is putting heavy pressure on our forests because trees are felled to establish settlements for mankind.

Most of the Sun's radiation are reflected back into space while some are absorbed by the earth. Global Warming is the result of burning of fossil fuels like coal especially in power plants, the use of petroleum products in motor vehicles, and methane. These result in a build-up of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other gases in the atmosphere. These pollutants trap solar radiation in the atmosphere and raised the temperature of the earth which will bring about devastating consequences.

About three quarters of the globe is water. With the melting of the polar ice caps due to Global Warming half of the remaining land would vanish under water. The melting of the polar ice caps will increase the water level of the oceans. Coastal areas and island nations will be submerged under water. Bangladesh and the islands of Maldives will be among the first to disappear under water.

Trees are our precious natural life-saving oxygen cylinders. Trees absorb the harmful Carbon dioxide and release Oxygen. Deforestation contributes to the decrease in oxygen level and increase Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Increased Carbon dioxide level results in global warming as well as lungs diseases and cancer. With least oxygen in the air we breath, our health will deteriorate and life expectancy will become lower.

Deforestation must be checked and plantation of more and more trees must be taken up on a war footing. We need to shift to renewable and alternative forms of energy. We save ourselves when we save Earth.

Answered by daphnejane2009


it increased carbon dioxide level results in global warming as well as lungs disease and cancer.

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