Economy, asked by meera10m, 1 year ago

explain how scarcity and choice go together


Answered by arpitdesh04
Scarcity of resources having alternative uses compels every individual and society to make choices in the use of resources in order to obtain maximum satisfaction. Clearly choice arises because of scarcity. Thus scarcity and choice go together.
I think that it will help you.

meera10m: thnq
Answered by krishna210398


Scarcity and Choice are inseparable


Scarcity and choice are inseparable. This is because, the problem of choice arises due to scarcity of resources. The human wants are unlimited and differ in intensity but resources to satisfy these wants are not only scarce but also have alternative uses, causing emergence of problem of choice. Had the resources been unlimited, there would have been no economic problem. Since all wants cannot be satisfied due to limited resources, we face the problem of choice i.e., choice among multiple wants which are to be satisfied.

For example, a plot of land cannot be used for farming, as a playground, for constructing a house, as a factory, as a shopping mall etc at the same time. This plot of land has many uses but a choice has to be made between all the uses as it can be used at a time for only one purpose.


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