Science, asked by sushila92, 11 months ago

explain how soil pollution and soil erosion can be prevented


Answered by UTKARSH2004
soil eroison can be prevented by planting Moe and more trees because roots of trees hold the soil firmly
soil pollution can be prevented by awaring farmers for minimising the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
Answered by sneha19052003

******Soil contamination or soil pollution as part of land degradation is caused by the presence of xenobiotic (humans made) chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, or improper disposal of waste.


•Managing and regulating the chemical waste disposal by industries is vital to soil health. Treatment of the wastes before disposal to remove chemicals and heavy metals at any cost must be done

•Prevention can never be a solo effort. The state governments, farmers’ organisations, collectives and cooperatives, educational institutions and conservation groups need to work together for regulating and reducing farming related soil pollution.

•Planning the application of fertilizer at the right time, in the right quantity with the correct methods can reduce the accumulation of chemicals.

•Planting certain grasses and clovers that can absorb and recycle the additional nutrients and prevent soil erosion. Planting rows of trees and shrubs around fields and along the borders of the stream or lake also help in the same way.

•Over tilling of the soil must be avoided to prevent soil erosion and soil compaction.

•Managing the correct disposal of human and animal wastes and treating the sewage before release makes a big difference in the magnitude of soil and water pollution

•Composting, solid liquid separation, anaerobic digestion and lagoons are different ways of managing animal manure. Of these anaerobic digestion is the most effective. It involves the use of anaerobic bacteria and heat. The products of this process are nutrient rich liquid used as fertiliser and methane gas that can be burned to produce electricity and heat. Anaerobic digestion is a best method for controlling odour associated with manure management.

•Afforestation or planting of more trees is always good for binding the soil.

sneha19052003: plz mark as brainliest my frnd!!!!
sneha19052003: plzzz!!!!
sneha19052003: cozz i need it!!!!
UTKARSH2004: which question
sneha19052003: this answer !!!
UTKARSH2004: but i havent asked this question
sneha19052003: i said to that person who questioned this. not to u!!!!
UTKARSH2004: the one whos has asked this ques.he can only mark brainliest not me
sneha19052003: ya
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