Explain how soil supports urban life and mention various ways by which we can manage urban soil.
How soil supports urban life and various ways by which we can manage urban soil.
- Anthropic soils are a subclass of urban soils, a word that is already used in a number of categorization schemes. Urban soils, but not solely in urban locations, are soils that have been heavily impacted by human activity.
- The soil supports urban life in the following ways: -
(1) Soils with a surface layer larger than 50 cm and a composition of materials distinct from those in nearby agricultural or forest regions, which have been significantly altered by human activity through mixing, importing, and exporting of materials as well as pollution.
(2) soils in parks and gardens, which resemble farm soils in proximity but differ from them in terms of composition, use, and management.
(3) soils created during various construction projects in urban areas, which are frequently sealed.
- This concept states that urban soils are essentially heavily influenced by humans in urban and suburban settings, and that these influences may have a significant impact on human health, plants, soil organisms, and water infiltration.
- They are distinguished from other heavily impacted soils like those discovered in remote quarries, mines, mine tailings, and airfields. However, it can occasionally be challenging to draw a distinct line between urban soils and agricultural soils.
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