Explain how the production during age of
industrinlisation was much better than the
proto - industrialized period?
In 1900, a popular music publisher E.T. Paull produced a music
book that had a picture on the cover page announcing the ‘Dawn
of the Century’ (Fig. 1). As you can see from the illustration, at the
centre of the picture is a goddess-like figure, the angel of progress,
bearing the flag of the new century. She is gently perched on a wheel
with wings, symbolising time. Her flight is taking her into the future.
Floating about, behind her, are the signs of progress: railway, camera,
machines, printing press and factory.
This glorification of machines and technology is even more marked
in a picture which appeared on the pages of a trade magazine over
a hundred years ago (Fig. 2). It shows two magicians. The one at the
top is Aladdin from the Orient who built a beautiful palace with his faher