Science, asked by anurag547544, 11 months ago

Explain how the use of CNG in automobiles has reduced pollution in
our cities.​


Answered by nusratsaba01


There are many things you can do to reduce your impact on the environment. If we all use energy, transport and other goods and services more carefully, we can reduce harmful emissions to our air, land and water. Everyday choices have the power to make a difference, and help protect our environment for a clean and sustainable future.

What you can do

Be a part of the solution to pollution.

The choices that we make every day can help to make a difference.

Here are some simple steps you can take:

Commute smart by walking or riding to work or the shops instead of driving. Motor vehicle emissions remain the most significant source of most common air pollutants.

Choose a fuel-efficient vehicle next time you are replacing your car. The Green Vehicle Guide provides ratings on the environmental performance of new vehicles sold in Australia. 

Save energy, by turning off the television and make sure you flick the light switch when you leave the room. Not only will you save money on your electricity bill, you will be reducing emissions from coal-fired electricity plants.

Buy energy -efficient appliances. Check the energy rating label when buying new or second hand electrical appliances. More stars mean less emissions. The Energy Rating web site will help you select energy efficient appliances: 

Use environmentally friendly cleaning products. Phosporus in detergents increases nutrient loads in rivers and can cause excessive algal growth. Never pour chemicals or fertilisers down the drain as they get washed into stormwater drains and into rivers or the ocean.

These are just a few small changes you can make to reduce your household's impact on the environment.

Environmental Education - What you can do 

What industry is doing

Industry can use NPI data to improve manufacturing processes, and can benchmark their emissions against similar facilities. Annual reporting also assists industry in documenting progress in reducing emissions and provides a measure of current environmental performance.

One of the main goals of the NPI is to encourage facilities to use cleaner production techniques to reduce substance emissions and decrease waste. Reporting facilities have the option of reporting on cleaner production activities and pollution control developments that they have undertaken during the reporting year.

The Carter Harvey Holt particle board mill in Tumut, New South Wales has implemented several emission reduction activities resulting in decreased emissions and better management of waste.

In the NPI summary report of sixth year data 2003-04, the Toyota vehicle manufacturing facility in Altona Victoria is provided as a success story for innovative solutions introduced to help reduce substance emissions.

Carter Holt Harvey particle board mill

Toyota Altona vehicle manufacturing facility

What government is doing

Governments can use NPI data to assist with environmental planning and management. NPI data is often used in the preparation of State of the Environment reports, and to support initiatives which help protect the environment.

Pollution control is the responsibility of state and territory environment agencies.

Answered by Anonymous


Combustion of fuels like petroleum causes formation of un-burnt carbon particles along with carbon monoxide gas.

These harmful pollutants enter the air and cause respiratory diseases.

But , CNG is cleaner fuel.

It produces less harmful substances.

Hence,the use of CNG in automobiles has reduced the pollution in our cities


In Delhi Automobiles are working on the process of the CNG gases only.

It has reduced the pollution also.

It is assembled in the in the car which is directly connected to the engine.

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