Explain how war broke out between the empires of blefuscu and lilliput
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Though the war is bitter and violent, the conflict between the nations of Lilliput and Blefuscu started because of an absurd disagreement: Lilliput believes an egg should be broken from the small end, while Belfuscu believes it should be broken from the big end.
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The rivalry between the countries of Lilliput and Blefuscu, despite being nasty and violent, began as a result of a ridiculous disagreement: Lilliput thinks an egg should be cracked from the little end, while Belfuscu thinks it should be broken from the huge end.
The topic is from the book Gulliver Travels.
- He claims that years ago when the emperor's grandpa was in charge of the nation, all Lilliputians were ordered to break their eggs on the little end first. This sparked a dispute between them.
- After cracking an egg the traditional method, large end first, and cutting his finger, he came to this conclusion.
- Over the interpretation of a passage in their shared sacred text that refers to the right method to eat eggs, the Lilliputians and Blefuscudians have been at war with one another for a very long time.
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