explain hydrosere points
Answer: A hydrosere is a plant succession which occurs in an area of fresh water such as in oxbow lakes and kettle lakes. In time, an area of open freshwater will naturally dry out, ultimately becoming woodland. During this change, a range of different landtypes such as swamp and marsh will succeed each other.
The amount of water available during succession determines the sort of ecological succession known as hydrosere.
Hydrosere is a plant development in which an open freshwater body gradually dries out, eventually transforming into a swamp, marsh, or woods.
A hydrosere is a type of plant succession that occurs in freshwater areas such as oxbow lakes and kettle lakes.
The sequencial stages of communities in hydrosere are as follows:
- Phytoplankton stage, e.g., Some blue green algae, green algae (Volvox), diatoms, bacteria, etc
- Rooted submerged stage - e.g. Hydrilla, Vallisneria, etc.
- Floating stage - e.g Nelumbo - Nymphaea., etc. Some free floating species are Pistia,Azolla, lemma, etc
- Reed swamp stage - e.g, Species of Scripus, Typha, etc
- Sedge meadow stage - e.g Species of Cyperaceae and Graminaeae.
- Woodland stage - e.g., Lantana, Salix, Populud, etc
- Forest stage - e.g Tropical rain forests, mixed forests of Almus, Acer., Quercus(oak), tropical deciduous forests.