Explain in 125 words what individuals, families, and communities can do to promote wellness.
Our society has become very concerned with the idea of wellness. A simple search on the Internet yields a plethora of websites dedicated to improving our wellness (including one for our pets!). But what is wellness? Dr. Bill Hettler, of the National Wellness Institute, defined six components to wellness: physical, intellectual, occupational, social, emotional, and spiritual.1 These six dimensions are areas in which we can exert some control over our lives by modifying our behaviors.
Here are 5 tips to help improve your family's wellness:
1. Cook with your kids
Instead of picking up dinner on the way home or popping something frozen into the microwave or oven, consider gathering up the whole crew to help make dinner at least once per week. You will probably prepare a healthier meal, have quality family time to talk and laugh, teach your children about mathematics and science through the cooking process, gain feelings of satisfaction for a well made meal, and start some long remembered family traditions. (And if the meal fails and you end up ordering pizza, at least you have a great story to tell at the holidays!) Remember that cooking with the whole family may take a little longer and require more patience, so plan your family cooking nights when you are not coming home late from work or having to run off to another activity. Here are some websites to help:
Cooking With Kids
2. Family night
Designate one night a week as "family night" and plan to do an activity together. One idea is to play a board game as a family. Board games can teach children life skills and will provide opportunities for problem solving, learning how to deal appropriately with losing (and winning), lots of stress relief, and creativity. Other ideas include camping in the back yard (complete with a campfire and s'mores), family slumber party, annual awards ceremony (celebrate your family’s amazing accomplishments over the year), art evenings (make holiday cards instead of buying them), assemble puzzles, go stargazing—the possibilities are endless! The below website has a multitude of games from which to choose:
3. Hold regular family meetings
Children like to be part of the decision-making process. Weekly family meetings can allow even young children to help plan meals, determine who will do what chores, what activities the family will engage in, and the establishment of family rules and consequences. Talking to children about the family's finances in an age appropriate way can allow them to take a more invested role in caring for their belongings.
4. Open those scrapbooks or photo albums
If you already have family albums, take time to review them. Bonding over shared memories and experiences can be a great stress reliever and allows each member of the family to see how much they have grown over the years. For younger or adopted children, reviewing family albums can give them a stronger sense of belonging to extended family members. Remember to add to your albums or scrapbooks, If you don't have pictures, have everyone journal about their experience and add those pages to your memories.
5. Volunteer
Find opportunities in your neighborhood or city and volunteer as a family. Clean up a stretch of beach or highway, help build a home, serve a meal at a homeless shelter, plant trees—there are no shortages of ways you can help. Volunteering connects your family with the community you live in, promotes a sense of accomplishment and pride, and helps teach children life skills and critical thinking. The following websites are a great starting point for finding a volunteer opportunity for your family: