Explain In Brief the followings
lichens:its a symbiotic association of algae and fungi.
coelom: body cavity which lined by mesoderm layer.
tidal volume:volume of air that can expire or inspire during normal inspiration.
vital capacity:max. volume of air a person can breath in after a forced expiration.
algae:aquatic,simple,autotropic organisms.
fungi:Heteretropic,filamentous,having hyphae.
inflorescence:the arrangement of flower on floral axis is termed as in inflorescence.
Hypogynous flower: in which Gynoecium occupies the highest position.
Plasmolysis:when we kept plant cell into hypertonic solution,then the cell will shirnk due to movement of water from low to high concentration.
its a symbiotic association of algae and fungi.
body cavity which lined by mesoderm layer.
Tidal volume
volume of air that can expire or inspire during normal inspiration.
Vital capacity
max. volume of air a person can breath in after a forced expiration.
aquatic,simple,autotropic organisms.
Heteretropic,filamentous,having hyphae.
the arrangement of flower on floral axis is termed as in inflorescence.
Hypogynous flower
in which Gynoecium occupies the highest position.
when we kept plant cell into hypertonic solution,then the cell will shirnk due to movement of water from low to high concentration.