Economy, asked by avinashtirkey034, 3 months ago

Explain in brief the origin of company ​


Answered by liasangma


The English word company has its origins in the Old French term compagnie (first recorded in 1150), meaning a "society, friendship, intimacy; body of soldiers", which came from the Late Latin word companio ("one who eats bread with you"), first attested in the Lex Salica (English: Salic Law) ( c.

Answered by pratikparma3615


The English word company has its origins in the Old French term compagnie (first recorded in 1150), meaning a "society, friendship, intimacy; body of soldiers", which came from the Late Latin word companio ("one who eats bread with you"), first attested in the Lex Salica (English: Salic Law) ( c.

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