explain in briefly the mechanism of cleaning action of soaps ?with structure
Explanation: Cleansing action of soap is based on two parts of soap molecules
1.Hydrophobic part (from greek. hudro- ‘water’ + phobos ‘fear’)-Attach to dirt or oil particle also known as non-polar part -having no charge poles
2.Hydrophilic part (hydro-'water' + philic 'loving')-Dissolves in water also known as "polar part- having two charge poles(+ and -)
These both together forms micelle (an aggregate of molecules in a colloidal solution, such as those formed by detergents,soaps)
When we agitate dirty cloth in water containing soap solution the dirt entraped by micelle and hydrophobic part get dispersed in water causing removal of dirt and hence cleansing of cloth.
example-- C17H35COO-Na+
non polar part =C17H35
COO-Na+ =polar part
hope it helps
When soap molecules are present in water, the molecules arrange themselves in the form of a cluster in such a manner that their hydrophobic ends are away from the water molecules and their hydrophilic or ionic ends are towards the water molecules.