Biology, asked by Fadufari7375, 10 months ago

Explain in detail about dedifferentiation & redifferentiation in animals.


Answered by tusharjangle

You know that stem cells normally differentiate to give tissues and organs.

Here, differentiation means acquiring a specific structure and chemical environment, and perform a specific function. It has lost the ability to divide.

Redifferentiation means that the above differentiated cell again acquires the ability to divide and give rise to another host of cells.

After the above dedifferentiated cell has divided adequately, it again makes itself perform a specific function only, and acquires a sturcture that is necessary. Again, it has lost the ability to divide.

This normally happens in plants. I'm not sure about humans or other animals.

But the meaning of the given terminology remains the same even from animal cell's perspective

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Answered by Anonymous



Parenchymatous cells may regain the capacity to divide and redividable and this is called Dedifferentiation.


Interfascicular cambium or cork cambium is formed by dedifferentiation. Secondary growth takes place and the cells get differentiated again, this is called redifferentiation.

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