explain in detail about first and second world war
The First World War was the first modern industrial war. For the first time, it saw the use of machine guns, tanks, aircraft, chemical weapons etc on a massive scale. During this time, the world experienced economic and political instability.
These were all products of modem large scale industry
(i) To fight the war, millions of soldiers had to be recruited from around the world and moved to the front lines on large ships and trains.
(ii) The scale of death and destruction was devastating, 9 million people dead and 20 million injured, which was not possible without the use of industrial arms.
Effects of first world war:
1. Loss of life and death: 80 lakh persons died, 60 lakh were disabled and more than one crore were wounded.
2. Changes in the political map of the world: Before world war countries such as Poland, Finland etc were dependent but after world war 1 they got independence leads to change in map
3. The heavy cost of the war in terms of money: The expenditure of Britain on war was nearly 41,000 million pounds and of Germany is nearly 15,000 million pounds, which shattered the world economy
4. The rise of dictatorship(Nazism and fascism): Due to humiliating peace through the treaty of Versailles causes a rise in the dictatorship .
5. Bith of league of nations: To stop another world war and to maintain friendly relations between nations, Leauge of nations was formed
6. The emergence of USA as the world power: After the world war, USA became the world power as it defeated Germany which is the turning point of first world war.
second world war
1 september 1939
germany captured poland which was signed with a friendly treaty with england and france
that if someone attacks on poland , because if anyone attacked poland then france and england will aslo be thought as attacked
france, england , germany came together
on september 1940
tripartite act was signed ( germany , italy, japan will help each other was announced )
germany wanted to capture eastern europe as he wanted to expand his kingdom that his members could get enough space and food supply thats why he attacked
on june 1941
germany attacked soviet union (in russia) this was a blunder mistake done by germany
germany was facing bombing on western border
and also he was facing soviet army on the eastern border
didnot want to get involved in the war
captured indo china ( vietnam, cambodia)
he also thought to capture naval bases of USA
USA entered on 8 december on 1941
war ended in 1945
1. hitler was defeated
2. and USA exploded bomb on hiroshima and nagashaaki
hope helped
the first world war started with the step of Europe soon engulfed many countries in this there was use of many harmful armament that were fatal all these cause a sense of jealousy in every country and set the 1 world war
second world war was shivered by the rise of Hitler that was shattered by it's country humiliation he opposed every sort of rules by league and there stated second world war when bomb were thrown on Hiroshima and nagasaki