explain in detail about sterilization methods of operation theatre? two hundred words .
In spite of brief stay of patients in the operation theatre, the environment of operation theatre plays a great role in the onset and spread of infections, because of a multifactor causation of infections. It is usually necessary to study the epidemiology of infection as a multidisciplinary approach. In resource poor circumstances as in most developing countries, people work in isolation and few facilities to make any epidemiological surveys. Many believe that routine Microbiological monitoring is most essential but in reality it is not practicable. But every hospital should pay good attention in proper maintenance of air conditioning plants, ventilator systems, and to have greater control on mechanisms and personnel involved in disinfection and sterilization of materials used in the theatres in operative procedures. Sterilisation means eradicating germs completely, which is not 100% possible in an operation theatre. The sources of bacterial contamination are from air and the environment, infected body fluids, patients, articles, equipment etc. The following methods are practiced to keep the operation theatre (OT) bacteriologically safe and below accepted levels: 1. Special air flow pattern (the air flow pattern is such that filtered and purified air circulates and contaminated air is removed continuously). There is restriction of personnel traffic, closing of OT doors and a good ventilation system. 2. Standard cleaning, disinfection with appropriate chemical agents, good theatre practice, discipline, can provide a microbiologically safe environment. Fumigation